Combat Digital Fatigue With Print!
Creating effective content that engages your target audience is a challenge in our digital world. The average reader only gives an article 15 seconds of his attention because readers tend to “skim” text instead of digesting paragraphs of information. People are overwhelmed daily by digital content, and it has affected the way people read. They have difficulty staying focused for too long, making it difficult to finish reading every article or post.
Additionally, people are bored of consuming content through the same digital formats, so they look for other options. There is a developing trend of people choosing paper books instead of e-readers because the glowing screens of digital devices are harsh on the eyes, and paper provides a much-needed break. Excessive usage of computer screens — whether they be mobile devices, laptops, or desktop computers— results in digital fatigue.
According to a recent study that monitored reading retention, readers of electronic copy performed significantly worse than readers of hard copy. Part of the result could have been due to the deep reading that is enabled by print. Deep reading refers to a level of engagement when a reader is fully attentive to a text; it requires complete focus, as opposed to the way people read content on the internet: by quickly skimming and scrolling. Printed marketing materials are easier to process mentally and are better for brand recall.
Printed material more closely affiliates with how our brain, neuro system, and vision work, which differentiates the print experience and creates value. Therefore, print remains an important element in the overall mix for marketers, and works alongside digital efforts to offer the best of both worlds and drive the highest rates of return.